Chef Reviews ‘Smart’ Kitchen Gadgets | Sorted Food

Chef Reviews ‘Smart’ Kitchen Gadgets | Sorted Food

Today, classically trained Chef Ben and normal home cook Jamie are reviewing some “smart” and App controlled Kitchen Gadgets. When cooking up some recipes to test them, what will our normals and chef think?!

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  1. We got a pair of induction plates so we could do Chinese hot pot at home. Sometimes I’ll drag one out for making pasta because it boils so much faster, and I can set a timer and it will turn itself off if I’m busy when time is up. If my kitchen work top was larger I’d probably use it more often.

  2. That pan is redundant. I have a grill pan and a thermometer, and it’s a cast iron grill pan. That combo is flexible and useful.

  3. Alexa should be bleeped like a swear word so I can watch the video without having to pause and tell her to go away.

  4. For the induction Hob… I’ve had one and it was AWKWARD. insanely overdesigned, way over-sized (think monitor thick rather than flatscreen – not that it was overly wide)… I just gave up on it cuz it was so complicated with 10 different buttons and some having alternate functions depending on primary function use choice ,etc.

  5. wow… if they’re selling that for like $40 there’s definitely an ulterior motive involved to get these listening boxes into peoples homes…

  6. Electric Lunch Box (works for us) I bought this one from Amazon for ~$40. Plug in steamer (no battery). Metal trays, 3 compartments. Does its job. Switch is iffy. Works when plugged in until water is gone. Don’t carry it w/ liquid inside! ? Use it at home and works fine.

  7. 0:47 "Gesture control to enable hands-free use"… Isn’t that statement a contradiction? (How would you make gestures without your hands?)

  8. I learned my lesson not to watch a "smart" episode when it’s 2am and someone is sleeping in the same room. The dock portion with Ben & Jamie saying Alexa had mine playing music and increasing the volume. I left the room only to run back to cotton eyed joe blaring in my room, while I was screaming, "ALEXA STOP…..ALEXA STOP PLAYING THE MUSIC….ALEXA STOP THE DA**N MUSIC NOW". Then my boyfriend woke up and told me to stop yelling at Alexa. 🫤

  9. Great stuuf boys! Love your show and have not been disappointed with anything I have seen! Question, have you ever tested and rated pasta machines? I’m in the market for one and would LOVE to see you guys run through about 5-10 machines,(manual and automatic/electric) and then, as you go comment and rate each one. Thank you for all you so and the work you put into the show and the pain you endure at times! Cheers and stay well and safe!

  10. "it’s a smart pan."
    "oh ya? what’s so smart about it?"
    "it knows when you put it on the burner and gets hot!!"

  11. Ive got two of the single induction hobs from IKEA and it works so well for me as just use them when and needed and then store away, only got a small terrace house so not alot of kitchen space available

  12. so on the steamer I would say change the feature where it has to be unplugged to work so someone at work can have it going while they are counting down the time till their lunch break. I will say on the 12 minute part that I don’t feel like that would have been enough time as my steamer can take up to 20 mins and that is basically a side function of my rice cooker. I like the idea but yea that price is way to high when you can get cheaper ones that can stay plugged in to work for like $30 at something like a walmart.

  13. I used to have Alexa in every floor of my house. I now have no Alexis in my house. Every time it started talking without me saying anything I would unplug it and that would be the end of that floor.

  14. That smart hob looks great, especially given it’s almost 5 times as thin as my current standalone. Now all I want is to provide the functionality through the hob itself, rather than needing an app. I’ve been bitten too many times by devices that loose functionality when the app stops being supported. It’s currently on sale for £95. That pan on the other hand makes me more angry than I think any product has done in a long time.

    I’ve definitely seen non-uk versions of the steam box made of cheaper plastic be considerably cheaper, in the $10 range and thousands and thousands of people use them. You’re paying a lot for something a bit flashier.

    Overall, a thinner induction hob is the only thing I can see being a useful innovation just storage wise. I do wonder how it works without the fan that seems to take up most of the space in my current hob.

  15. Ive been looking for an induction burner that comes with a temperature control app because i love cooking, but I have a degenerative vision condition. Having something where a screen reader can tell me, or i could verbally control exact temperature is an incredibly helpful feature!

  16. I tried to find the Thermador Smart Induction Hob and could not find it anywhere, do you know where I could find one?

  17. I’m just curious what they do with all the products they get for this series? Like do they toss it, take it home, return it, store it to never be seen again?

  18. Fun fact: Tokit is under Xiaomi ecological chain company. I looked at all the lists under Xiaomi and just saw how big of a company they really are to invest in these companies.

  19. I’ve said it before, but the itaki pro bento, i use it for work. it isn’t smart, meaning it doesn’t use an app, but it does a very good job of cooking a meal.

  20. That lunch box sounds like a great idea, looks great… shame it doesn’t really work and is expensive like hell

  21. Regarding the smart hob. I would like to ask wether it’s fully usable without the app. I am generally not inclined to install apps for gadgets. Especially wether it’s possible to set sou vide temp without an app.

  22. The technology market is probably the most profitable market in the world, definitely one of the most profitable markets, and it’s a constantly expanding market changing endlessly with gaps for firms to exploit with new innovation, but I really feel like governments globally have to come together and agree on specific legislation that puts more restrictions and control on firms in the market. There are gargantuan firms like Apple and Dyson exploiting consumers and cheap labour who should be regulated far stricter than they are and there has to be quality inspection controls to prevent the companies that make fake replicas like Apple Watches to keep them out the market

  23. I bought the Tokit induction hob for $240 plus delivery and it constantly gives an overheat error even while refusing to get up to the temperature for deep frying. The specific purpose for which I purchased it. Very disappointed. Not your fault but just thought I would advise.

  24. I’ve always wanted an induction burner, neat bit of kit, wouldn’t mind having something like that for safer set and forget cooking as I have a gas stove top.

  25. The steambox looked great, I was totally ready to buy that as a present for my mother. And then 1) it didn’t really work and 2) it was 5x the price I expected and 3x the price I would have been willing to pay (if it worked). Disappointing.

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