How to Clean Your Gamer Gear — h3h3 reaction video
How to properly clean your gaming gear with Dust-Off gamer spray
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Every month, we give away one unique, beautiful and luscious dunnie. Here is how to win:
We post our new videos on Facebook and Twitter, all you need to do is LIKE AND SHARE/RETWEET each video to be eligible to win. At the end of the month we will randomly select one post from either Facebook or Twitter and then choose one random person who liked and shared that chosen post to win. The more you like/share, the higher chance you have of winning.
At the end of every month we will announce the winner on the “Ethan and Hila” channel.
Source video:
Intro by PidgyEdits:
Theme Song by MajorLeagueWobs:
holy shit Ethan was just straight up a bully, lmao what an asshole
i miss this for real back when you could just have fun making shit know all these good channels are just boring garbage
This makes me sad :((((
Ethan had the broccoli cut before it was cool
Rewatching this after 8 years makes me sad, it’s like looking at videos of a friend who died
It’s 2024 filthy Frank is a successful musician and Ethan just sucks
His videos even 9 years later still make me crack up
Was one of the best comedy channels on the platform. Man it was a great era.
bro ethan got the zoomer haircut way before it was known 🤣
I haven’t seen this in years! Thank you, algorithm, for reminding us of simpler times…..
I come back to this just to be reminded of the Golden Era.
Who is here 2024
Why did the universe send me back to 2016? is Harambe still LIVE??
Sociologists will look back in history to the transformation of Ethan between this video to the present day
Where did my charming Ethan go
boy do I miss this
The intro ❤
Rip H3H3
Now Ethan soul his soul
4:07 he looks like Kramer from Seinfeld 😂
the game assassin brainrot got me
Back when H3 was good and Ethan wasn’t some bitter pessimistic loser
Man what the hell happened, ethan
creators on this website used to have pride. it genuinely makes me kinda sad to see how good we used to have it as far as creators consistently uploading goood content not worried about ad revenue shake ups , then now where things are somehow both offensive and boring at the same time.
i Still can’t believe how cool and funny ethan used to be….what a shame
I LOVE that this randomly popped on my suggestions in 2024
Back before he drank the soy
Ethan is just as pathetic if not more pathetic than the people he makes fun of. Truly hilarious
wild how this cut took off 7 years later
back when h3h3 was funny
Prime Ethan was amazing. Sad to see he has became a shell of his former self
the edit cuts.,..the sarcasm…even the oversized beanie…the WHOLW style…ethan owes sam ALOT of royalties
just got this recommended pure gold
Never heard of diamond water. What does that taste like? It’s too expensive for me to buy
Peak h3.
damn what happened to this dude?
This is the Ethan that I liked and remember.
In terms of being a pitchman, the dude was spot on.
But the script was horrible.
this was h3h3 in its prime
I come back to these videos just to reflect on a time period.
The comedic broccoli cut is the actual hair style folks are into now. That’s how i know it is all over…. 😢
Thanks mr.on the spectrum
I come here once a few years to remember who Ethan really was.
This was really peak of Youtube days ;(
The H3H3 I choose to remember
Still good XD